$token = ""; ?> Reserve your stay in Calhau Grande – Rural Cottages in Madeira Island Calhau GrandeMadeira Rural Cottages

Enquire Form

Kindly fill in this enquire form to know about our availability!

Upon receiving your request, we will inform you our availability;
Credit/debit card validation, without payment or deposit;
Payment is due upon check in;

If you have any questions, you may reach us by:
(+351) 925 66 99 33

Rates per cottage

T0 - Tenda

€ 150

T0 - Palha

€ 150

T1 - Sol

2 *
€ 190

T1 - Eira

2 *
€ 190

T1 - Levada

2 *
€ 190

T1 - Junior

2 *
€ 190

T2 - Calhau

€ 330

T2 - Sapateiro

4 *
€ 330

* Extra child (3-17 yo) pays 50€ /night. Stay in livingroom.

Euros, per night, including VAT & City Tax, without meals;
Babies under 2 years of age stay free;

Cancellation Policy:
• 60+ days to checkin ⇒ no charge
• 60 - 15 days to checkin ⇒ 50% charge
• 14 - 0 days to checkin ⇒ 100% charge